Re: Computer Art Books

by Jeff Kane <jeffkane(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 9 Jul 1999 17:42:05 -0400
 To:  "Ramon Bartschat" <bartschat(at)>
 Cc:  hwg-graphics(at)
 References:  rbs
  todo: View Thread, Original
In addition to the advice already offered, go to a large bookstore 
and browse in the Art section, which probably has a Design 
subsection, and maybe a Typography subsection. You should find 
numerous books that cover graphics--not HTML--there. Also, if you're 
near a university/college bookstore, you may want to see what books 
are used in the relevant art courses.
	Some books are instructional/how to books. Others are 
collections of works--e.g., posters, or ads, or business cards, or 
logos, etc.--which may give you some ideas.

Among the magazines that may be of interest: Graphis; and Communication Arts.


>My question is:
>Is there a particular Book or series of Books you can recommend me?
>Books about Art and design, or about how to become an artist or designer
>Books about Design, Color, Skills, whatever related, books you found most
>Books that helped you to become better artists.
>We are speaking about the art fields that will help me create better
>computer graphics.
>I will never be a true artist I suppose but I will follow the footsteps of
>Please note that I don't mean computer related so called "art-book".
>There are millions of "graphic design for web site creation" books which are
>essentially HTML guides that teach only HTML syntax. I mean REAL art books.
>Please throw a pearl of wisdom on me, your valuable advice will be highly
>Ramon Bartschat
>P.S: Books in english, german or spanish are welcome.

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